National governments including the US, UK and EU member states have signed the world’s first legally binding global AI treaty ...
Sir Michael Barber has returned to the centre of the UK government after being named as new prime minister Sir Keir Starmer’s ...
The Data Challenge programme illustrated the need for civil servants to reach out across government as they work to tackle ...
This interview with Puja Myles, director, Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) in the Safety and Surveillance Group at ...
‘Probe deeper’: OPM has recommended that agencies carry out their own pay gap data analysis similar to that conducted by OPM ...
On a recent Global Government Forum webinar, experts from the US federal government, the United Nations and the private ...
Global cybercrime costs are expected to reach US$10.5 trillion annually by 2025, up from US$3 trillion in 2015. Government ...
The scale and nature of the productivity challenge facing public service organisations. The strategies government ...
This interview with Ming Tang, chief data and analytics officer, NHS England, is part of a ‘Five minutes’ series featuring ...
It’s easy to get a sense that AI is everywhere, influencing and shaping every aspect of our lives. While this is particularly ...
This interview with Christopher Pope, head of data research, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, is part of a ‘Five ...
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has set out a draft update to its digital ID guidance for ...