This September 17, the Major General Vicente García Provincial Museum honored Cuban Archaeologist Day with lectures, words of ...
The dangers of thunderstorms are enormous but, in Las Tunas, some people seem not to notice - or not to know it - and risk ...
The University of Las Tunas, responsible for training many professionals in the territory, is highly committed to food production; a proof of this is the Master's Degree in Agricultural Sciences, with ...
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres today called to display “a spirit of commitment” ahead of the upcoming Summit of the ...
In a second day of sessions, this Wednesday, working groups will evaluate in Panama the proposals of various sectors to save the Social Security Fund (CSS) from the crisis.
Santiago de Chile.- El gobierno de Chile debe abogar en todos los foros internacionales por el fin del bloqueo que mantiene ...
El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU se reunirá hoy en medio de las crecientes tensiones entre Líbano e Israel, agravadas tras ...